Motion for a Massive March on Wall Street
Whereas, the response to ‘Occupy Wall Street’ (OWS) has shown that broad layers of working people are ready to support a movement that stands up to the ongoing attempt to solve the economic crisis on working and poor people’s backs;
Whereas, unions can best defend their members’ jobs, wages and working conditions by standing up in defense of all working people;
Whereas, OWS and trade unions’ solidarity with the protests have created momentum toward a fight-back in defense of working people’s living standards against layoffs and budget cutbacks that should be built on and not allowed to fade;
Whereas, it is necessary for our struggles to go forward to bring into action much larger numbers of workers and other people facing the brunt of this economic crisis,
We move that:
1. This body call on its member unions as well as all other unions and community organizations to build a massive march on Wall Street of hundreds of thousands, mobilizing organized and unorganized workers, on November 5, the first Saturday of next month,
2. That this protest raise demands that can unite all workers, poor people and all those facing the brunt of the crisis:
Working People Shouldn’t Pay for a Crisis That They Didn’t Make!
No to Layoffs, Budget and Service Cuts!
Create Jobs, Build Infrastructure with a Federal Program of Public Works!
Stop Police Harassment of the Wall Street Occupation!
3. And to this end, we appeal to other union bodies, council and federations around the country to organize similar protest actions across the country on November 5.
Endorsers include the following:
CCNY Chapter of PSC-CUNY
Christine Williams, Executive Board Member, TWU Local 100,* Stations Division*
American 99ers Union
Juan A., SEIU Local 32BJ* and Wall Street protester
David Abramsky, unemployed actor, Wall Street protester
Moqbel Alreyashi, SEIU Local 32BJ*
Austin B. Arrington, Wall Street protester
Paul Armstrong, Ironworkers 433*
Elizabeth B., public interest lawyer, Wall Street protester
Wendy B., non-unionized worker and Wall Street protester
Cesar Luis Brito, Wall Street protester
Hasan Broja, SEIU Local 32BJ*
Brian Burke, Shop Steward, TWU Local 100*
Gregory A. Butler, Shop Steward, Carpenters Local 157*
Stephen C., student
Kay Chhay, SEIU Local 32BJ*
Adonious Coleman, TWU Local 100*
Ben D., restaurant worker, CUNY student
Bob D., Local 57 carpenters,* Wall Street protester
Sean D., USW 6500*
Naomi Dann, Wall Street protester
Chetram Dhanroy, Wall Street protester
Richard Diaz, Occupy Wall Street*
Barbara Drum, Wall Street protester
Jorden Eck, Boston University student, Wall Street protester
Emma Elbaum, Wall Street protester
Anne Marie Elliott, student, Wall Street protester
Gabrielle Engh, Wall Street protester
Facts For Working People (blog and newsletter)
John Ferretti, Shop Steward, TWU Local 100,* Wall Street protester
Michael Felisme
Raymundo Hernandez, SEIU Local 32BJ*
Rust Gilbert, CWA/Washtech*
Mike G., Project Manager*
Julim Gashwan, LREI*
Carlos Gomar, Occupy Wall Street*
Marty Goodman, TWU Local 100*
Darryl Goodwine, Wall Street protester
Georgiana Hart, Nurse Practitioner, PLP*
Theint Heinn, Wall Street protester
Jason Hicks, TWU Local 100,* Wall Street protester
Diego Ibanez, Occupy Wall Street*
Wade Jones, TWU Local 100*
Eric Josephson, Shop Steward, TWU Local 100,* Wall Street protester
Miranda Kahn, Wall Street protester
Andrew Kelly, photographer, Wall Street protester
Maya Klein, Wall Street protester
Margaret Kwateng, Wall Street protester
Bob Lang, UFT Delegate*
Carol Lang, DC 37* and PSC*
James Leighton, Wall Street protester
Teddy Mapes, L.U. 638*
Richard Mellor, retired AFSCME* member
Yadel Muhigeta, Wall Street protester
Jason McGaughey, Wall Street protester
Anna Mocti, student, Wall Street protester
Michal Nemcok, Wall Street protester
Rick Nensesian, Wall Street protester
Sue P., Wall Street protester
Benjamin Prouse, CEPU Plumbers Union*, Australia
Abdul H. Qumiyn, Wall Street protester
Nidia Ramirez, SEIU Local 32BJ*
Chris Reade, TWU Local 100*
Myrian Rios, SEIU Local 32BJ*
Christina Robohm, Wall Street protester
Penny Rosenblatt, Wall Street protester
Seth Rosenberg, Shop Steward, TWU Local 100,* Wall Street protester
Dave Ryan, artist, Wall Street protester
Michael S., City College student, Wall Street protester
Barbara Sher, Wall Street protester
Max Simkins, Bard student, Wall Street protester
Krishna Singh, NYC High School student, Wall Street protester
Elyssa Soto, Wall Street protester
Stefan Superti, Bard College*
Mark Turner, CCNY Chapter of PSC-CUNY,* Wall Street protester
Glenn Jonathan Waldrip III, unemployed, Wall Street protester
Erik V., Wall Street protester
Francis Vazquez, CUNY*
Nerim Veli, SEIU Local 32BJ*
March Young, Wall Street protester
Bob, Boston construction worker, Wall Street protester
* Organizations listed for identification purposes only
Christine Williams, Executive Board Member, TWU Local 100,* Stations Division*
American 99ers Union
Juan A., SEIU Local 32BJ* and Wall Street protester
David Abramsky, unemployed actor, Wall Street protester
Moqbel Alreyashi, SEIU Local 32BJ*
Austin B. Arrington, Wall Street protester
Paul Armstrong, Ironworkers 433*
Elizabeth B., public interest lawyer, Wall Street protester
Wendy B., non-unionized worker and Wall Street protester
Cesar Luis Brito, Wall Street protester
Hasan Broja, SEIU Local 32BJ*
Brian Burke, Shop Steward, TWU Local 100*
Gregory A. Butler, Shop Steward, Carpenters Local 157*
Stephen C., student
Kay Chhay, SEIU Local 32BJ*
Adonious Coleman, TWU Local 100*
Ben D., restaurant worker, CUNY student
Bob D., Local 57 carpenters,* Wall Street protester
Sean D., USW 6500*
Naomi Dann, Wall Street protester
Chetram Dhanroy, Wall Street protester
Richard Diaz, Occupy Wall Street*
Barbara Drum, Wall Street protester
Jorden Eck, Boston University student, Wall Street protester
Emma Elbaum, Wall Street protester
Anne Marie Elliott, student, Wall Street protester
Gabrielle Engh, Wall Street protester
Facts For Working People (blog and newsletter)
John Ferretti, Shop Steward, TWU Local 100,* Wall Street protester
Michael Felisme
Raymundo Hernandez, SEIU Local 32BJ*
Rust Gilbert, CWA/Washtech*
Mike G., Project Manager*
Julim Gashwan, LREI*
Carlos Gomar, Occupy Wall Street*
Marty Goodman, TWU Local 100*
Darryl Goodwine, Wall Street protester
Georgiana Hart, Nurse Practitioner, PLP*
Theint Heinn, Wall Street protester
Jason Hicks, TWU Local 100,* Wall Street protester
Diego Ibanez, Occupy Wall Street*
Wade Jones, TWU Local 100*
Eric Josephson, Shop Steward, TWU Local 100,* Wall Street protester
Miranda Kahn, Wall Street protester
Andrew Kelly, photographer, Wall Street protester
Maya Klein, Wall Street protester
Margaret Kwateng, Wall Street protester
Bob Lang, UFT Delegate*
Carol Lang, DC 37* and PSC*
James Leighton, Wall Street protester
Teddy Mapes, L.U. 638*
Richard Mellor, retired AFSCME* member
Yadel Muhigeta, Wall Street protester
Jason McGaughey, Wall Street protester
Anna Mocti, student, Wall Street protester
Michal Nemcok, Wall Street protester
Rick Nensesian, Wall Street protester
Sue P., Wall Street protester
Benjamin Prouse, CEPU Plumbers Union*, Australia
Abdul H. Qumiyn, Wall Street protester
Nidia Ramirez, SEIU Local 32BJ*
Chris Reade, TWU Local 100*
Myrian Rios, SEIU Local 32BJ*
Christina Robohm, Wall Street protester
Penny Rosenblatt, Wall Street protester
Seth Rosenberg, Shop Steward, TWU Local 100,* Wall Street protester
Dave Ryan, artist, Wall Street protester
Michael S., City College student, Wall Street protester
Barbara Sher, Wall Street protester
Max Simkins, Bard student, Wall Street protester
Krishna Singh, NYC High School student, Wall Street protester
Elyssa Soto, Wall Street protester
Stefan Superti, Bard College*
Mark Turner, CCNY Chapter of PSC-CUNY,* Wall Street protester
Glenn Jonathan Waldrip III, unemployed, Wall Street protester
Erik V., Wall Street protester
Francis Vazquez, CUNY*
Nerim Veli, SEIU Local 32BJ*
March Young, Wall Street protester
Bob, Boston construction worker, Wall Street protester
* Organizations listed for identification purposes only